News - The 4th Annual Cricket Carnival of Sri Lankan Inter-School Alumni Associations
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The 4th Annual Cricket Carnival of Sri Lankan Inter-School Alumni Associations

05/17/2023POSTED BY Bala Yazhkovan Admin

The 4th Annual Cricket Carnival of  Sri Lankan Inter-School Alumni Associations

The biggest cricket tournament among Sri Lankan diasporans. There are 20 prestigious Sri Lankan schools' alumni associations competing  this year. The tournament will take place at Maple Leaf Cricket Ground in King City, Ontario, Canada on May 21 st and 22 nd , 2023.  There were 27 schools' alumni associations who approached the Unions Sports Federation Of Canada for this years’ T10 Super Smash, but we were only able to accommodate  20 schools due to lack of ground availability. 

In 2024, each and every Sri Lankan schools’ alumni association will be able to participate in the tournament. Our humble apologies to those whom we were not able to accommodate in this year's tournament.

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